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Bonham ISD

Proud Traditions, Shaping The Future

Counseling Services

Our Mission Statement

The mission of the Bonham ISD counseling program is to provide support and guidance to all students and staff. As we partner with families and community, we will foster academic success, post-secondary and career preparation, and personal/social development.

Meet Our Counselors

Bailey Inglish Counselor

Ashleigh Petrino

Finley-Oates Counselor

Vickie Scheier

I.W. Evans Counselor

Joel Blaylock

L.H. Rather Counselor

Tori Whitlock

Bonham High School Counselor

Heather Hicks

Bonham High School Academic Advisor

Desiree Parker

Counseling Programs

    • Senate Bill 9 (SB 9) requires public schools to provide instruction to students relating to the prevention of child abuse, family violence, dating violence, and sex trafficking. SB 9 also requires public schools to obtain parent/guardian consent for students to receive this instruction.

    • Guidance from the School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) and approval by the BISD School Board is required for the curriculum that will be used to teach each of these topics as well as determining the grade level(s) that will receive instruction on each of these topics.

    • Before a student may be provided with instruction related to child abuse, family violence, dating violence, and sex trafficking, SB 9 requires that Bonham ISD obtain written consent from the student’s parent/guardian. Parents/Guardians will complete the SB 9 Consent Form as part of the Student Registration packet. Without written consent from a parent/guardian, students will not receive instruction related to child abuse, family violence, dating violence, or sex trafficking.

    • Please note: not all topics are covered at every grade level.

    • Parents/guardians have the right to preview the curricula at any time and may request to review curriculum materials in advance of instruction by contacting the school counselor or student support staff at each campus. Preview materials will be available online as well.

    • For full Senate 9 Bill, click here for more details.

    Proposed Lessons for each campus.

    • Bailey Inglish Headstart

      • Prekindergarten

    • Finley-Oates Elementary 

      • Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade
        • Topic: Child Abuse Prevention
        • Curriculum: Play It Safe! Tick Toc and the Twins
        • Play It Safe! Bentley's Big Production
        • For preview, click here for more details. 
    • I.W. Evans Intermediate 

      • Fourth Grade, Fifth Grade, Sixth Grade
        • Topic: Child Abuse Prevention
        • Curriculum: Play It Safe! Bentley's Big Production
        • Play It Safe! Vat Vould You Do?
        • For preview, click here for more details 
    • L.H. Rather Junior High

      • Seventh Grade
      • Eighth Grade
        • Topic: Personal Safety (Includes Child Abuse, Family Violence, Dating Violence, Sex Trafficking)
        • Curriculum: Texas School Procedures Handbook Personal Safety 6-8
        • For preview, click here for more details.
    • Bonham High School

  • Grant Halliburton Presentations

    • I.W. Evans Intermediate
      • 4th grade - Road to Resilience - Learning to manage adversity is a part of human development and success. In this presentation, students will identify ways in which challenges and adversity can be motivators and developers of resilience as well as learn strategies for fostering a mindset of confidence and perseverance.
      • 5th grade - Managing Stress and Anxiety - In this presentation, students will be introduced to coping skills that can increase their capacity for managing stress and reducing anxiety. Students will learn how stress affects the mind, recognize symptoms of anxiety, and identify positive coping skills.
      • 6th grade - Setting Healthy Boundaries -  Healthy personal boundaries lay the foundation for maintaining healthy relationships as well as physical and emotional security. In this presentation, students will explore the importance of establishing personal, what those boundaries may look like, and how to maintain them when there is push-back.
    • L.H. Rather Junior High
      • 7th grade - Depression and Suicide Prevention - This presentation includes an in-depth discussion about adolescent depression and suicide prevention, along with positive coping skills to build mental wellness. Students will learn to identify the signs and symptoms of depression and suicidal crisis, strategies for helping struggling peers, and develop positive coping skills to foster mental wellness
      • 8th grade - The Teenage Brain: A Work in Progress - The human brain goes through two periods of extreme change and development: infancy to age five and adolescence. In this presentation, students will learn how their personal choices in self-care, behavior, and relationships can impact the brain form and function as well as their life satisfaction and success outcomes. They will also be exploring strategies and practices to increase their resilience to navigate the challenges and adversity they face daily.
    • Bonham High School
      • 9th grade - Managing Stress and Anxiety - In this presentation, students will be introduced to coping skills that can increase their capacity for managing stress and reducing anxiety. Students will learn how stress affects the mind, recognize symptoms of anxiety, and identify positive coping skills.
      • 10th grade - The Teenage Brain: A Work in Progress - The human brain goes through two periods of extreme change and development: infancy to age five and adolescence. In this presentation, students will learn how their personal choices in self-care, behavior, and relationships can impact the brain form and function as well as their life satisfaction and success outcomes. They will also be exploring strategies and practices to increase their resilience to navigate the challenges and adversity they face daily.
      • 11th grade - Setting Healthy Boundaries - Healthy personal boundaries lay the foundation for maintaining healthy relationships as well as physical and emotional security. In this presentation, students will explore the importance of establishing personal, what those boundaries may look like, and how to maintain them when there is push-back.
      • 12th grade - Depression and Suicide Prevention - This presentation includes an in-depth discussion about adolescent depression and suicide prevention, along with positive coping skills to build mental wellness. Students will learn to identify the signs and symptoms of depression and suicidal crisis, strategies for helping struggling peers, and develop positive coping skills to foster mental wellness.
  • For more information about Helping Fannin, click here for more details.

  • Parents and Guardians, if you believe your child could benefit from this program, please contact your child’s counselor for more information.


Everday is a New Beginning

Our Vision Statement

The vision of the Bonham ISD counseling program is to provide a comprehensive, developmental counseling program that addresses the academic, social, and emotional needs of all students. Through advocacy, leadership, collaboration, guidance and responsive services, school counselors are professional student advocates who provide support to maximize student potential and academic achievement. Bonham ISD counselors facilitate and coordinate a support system to ensure that all students are prepared and have access to the knowledge and skills necessary to become productive citizens and lifelong learners.